
About annahmariyah

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So far annahmariyah has created 27 blog entries.

Picnic Fonic 2019

2025-01-22T16:00:00+00:00How we do it|

Remember #PicnicFonic4 ? Thank you to everybody that worked and danced with us. ???? It was fun, cool and lots of work for 3 days of uninterrupted music, played on 2 stages but when you do it with passion & skill, you always get a great event.

AW Summit 2019

2025-01-22T15:58:52+00:00How we do it|

Continuam traditia ca in fiecare an si dupa 48 de ore de montaj, alaturi de peste 40 de specialisti din domeniu, am furnizat solutii tehnice si asistenta in cadrul celui mai asteptat eveniment webcam din Romania - AW Summit 2019.

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